Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 11 - هود (Hud) - Hud
Number of ayas: 123; Number of rukus: 10
Revelation order: 52; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
Alif, Lam, Ra. [This is] a Book whose verses are perfected and then presented in detail from [one who is] Wise and Acquainted.

English: Transliteration
Aliflamra kitabun ohkimat ayatuhu thumma fussilat min ladun hakeemin khabeerin

French: Hamidullah
Alif, Lâm, Râ. C'est un Livre dont les versets sont parfaits en style et en sens, émanant d'un Sage, Parfaitement Connaisseur.


English: Sahih International
[Through a messenger, saying], "Do not worship except Allah. Indeed, I am to you from Him a warner and a bringer of good tidings,"

English: Transliteration
Alla taAAbudoo illa Allaha innanee lakum minhu natheerun wabasheerun

French: Hamidullah
N'adorez qu'Allah. Moi, je suis pour vous, de Sa part, un avertisseur et un annonciateur.


English: Sahih International
And [saying], "Seek forgiveness of your Lord and repent to Him, [and] He will let you enjoy a good provision for a specified term and give every doer of favor his favor. But if you turn away, then indeed, I fear for you the punishment of a great Day.

English: Transliteration
Waani istaghfiroo rabbakum thumma tooboo ilayhi yumattiAAkum mataAAan hasanan ila ajalin musamman wayuti kulla thee fadlin fadlahu wain tawallaw fainee akhafu AAalaykum AAathaba yawmin kabeerin

French: Hamidullah
Demandez pardon à votre Seigneur; ensuite, revenez à Lui. Il vous accordera une belle jouissance jusqu'à un terme fixé, et Il accordera à chaque méritant l'honneur qu'il mérite. Mais si vous tournez le dos, je crains alors pour vous le châtiment d'un grand jour.


English: Sahih International
To Allah is your return, and He is over all things competent."

English: Transliteration
Ila Allahi marjiAAukum wahuwa AAala kulli shayin qadeerun

French: Hamidullah
C'est à Allah que sera votre retour; et Il est Omnipotent.


English: Sahih International
Unquestionably, they the disbelievers turn away their breasts to hide themselves from Him. Unquestionably, [even] when they cover themselves in their clothing, Allah knows what they conceal and what they declare. Indeed, He is Knowing of that within the breasts.

English: Transliteration
Ala innahum yathnoona sudoorahum liyastakhfoo minhu ala heena yastaghshoona thiyabahum yaAAlamu ma yusirroona wama yuAAlinoona innahu AAaleemun bithati alssudoori

French: Hamidullah
Eh quoi! Ils replient leurs poitrines afin de se cacher de Lui. Même lorsqu'ils se couvrent de leurs vêtements, Il sait ce qu'ils cachent et ce qu'ils divulguent car Il connaît certes le contenu des poitrines.


English: Sahih International
And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision, and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register.

English: Transliteration
Wama min dabbatin fee alardi illa AAala Allahi rizquha wayaAAlamu mustaqarraha wamustawdaAAaha kullun fee kitabin mubeenin

French: Hamidullah
Il n'y a point de bête sur terre dont la subsistance n'incombe à Allah qui connaît son gîte et son dépôt; tout est dans un Livre explicite.


English: Sahih International
And it is He who created the heavens and the earth in six days - and His Throne had been upon water - that He might test you as to which of you is best in deed. But if you say, "Indeed, you are resurrected after death," those who disbelieve will surely say, "This is not but obvious magic."

English: Transliteration
Wahuwa allathee khalaqa alssamawati waalarda fee sittati ayyamin wakana AAarshuhu AAala almai liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu AAamalan walain qulta innakum mabAAoothoona min baAAdi almawti layaqoolanna allatheena kafaroo in hatha illa sihrun mubeenun

French: Hamidullah
Et c'est Lui qui a créé les cieux et la terre en six jours, - alors que Son Trône était sur l'eau, - afin d'éprouver lequel de vous agirait le mieux. Et si tu dis: «Vous serez ressuscités après la mort», ceux qui ne croient pas diront: «Ce n'est là qu'une magie évidente».


English: Sahih International
And if We hold back from them the punishment for a limited time, they will surely say, "What detains it?" Unquestionably, on the Day it comes to them, it will not be averted from them, and they will be enveloped by what they used to ridicule.

English: Transliteration
Walain akhkharna AAanhumu alAAathaba ila ommatin maAAdoodatin layaqoolunna ma yahbisuhu ala yawma yateehim laysa masroofan AAanhum wahaqa bihim ma kanoo bihi yastahzioona

French: Hamidullah
Et si Nous retardons pour eux le châtiment jusqu'à une période fixée, ils diront: «Qu'est-ce qui le retient?» - Mais le jour où cela leur viendra, il ne sera pas détourné; d'eux et ce dont ils se moquaient les enveloppera.


English: Sahih International
And if We give man a taste of mercy from Us and then We withdraw it from him, indeed, he is despairing and ungrateful.

English: Transliteration
Walain athaqna alinsana minna rahmatan thumma nazaAAnaha minhu innahu layaoosun kafoorun

French: Hamidullah
Et si Nous faisons goûter à l'homme une grâce de Notre part, et qu'ensuite Nous la lui arrachons, le voilà désespéré et ingrat.


English: Sahih International
But if We give him a taste of favor after hardship has touched him, he will surely say, "Bad times have left me." Indeed, he is exultant and boastful -

English: Transliteration
Walain athaqnahu naAAmaa baAAda darraa massathu layaqoolanna thahaba alssayyiatu AAannee innahu lafarihun fakhoorun

French: Hamidullah
Et si Nous lui faisons goûter le bonheur, après qu'un malheur l'ait touché, il dira: «Les maux se sont éloignés de moi», et le voilà qui exulte, plein de gloriole.

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