Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 11 - هود (Hud) - Hud
Number of ayas: 123; Number of rukus: 10
Revelation order: 52; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
They said, "O Shu'ayb, we do not understand much of what you say, and indeed, we consider you among us as weak. And if not for your family, we would have stoned you [to death]; and you are not to us one respected."

English: Transliteration
Qaloo ya shuAAaybu ma nafqahu katheeran mimma taqoolu wainna lanaraka feena daAAeefan walawla rahtuka larajamnaka wama anta AAalayna biAAazeezin

French: Hamidullah
Ils dirent: «O Chuayb, nous ne comprenons pas grand chose à ce que tu dis; et vraiment nous te considérons comme un faible parmi nous. Si ce n'est ton clan, nous t'aurions certainement lapidé. Et rien ne nous empêche de t'atteindre».


English: Sahih International
He said, "O my people, is my family more respected for power by you than Allah? But you put Him behind your backs [in neglect]. Indeed, my Lord is encompassing of what you do.

English: Transliteration
Qala ya qawmi arahtee aAAazzu AAalaykum mina Allahi waittakhathtumoohu waraakum thihriyyan inna rabbee bima taAAmaloona muheetun

French: Hamidullah
Il dit: «O mon peuple, mon clan est-il à vos yeux plus puissant qu'Allah à qui vous tournez ouvertement le dos? Mon Seigneur embrasse (en Sa science) tout ce que vous œuvrez.


English: Sahih International
And O my people, work according to your position; indeed, I am working. You are going to know to whom will come a punishment that will disgrace him and who is a liar. So watch; indeed, I am with you a watcher, [awaiting the outcome]."

English: Transliteration
Waya qawmi iAAmaloo AAala makanatikum innee AAamilun sawfa taAAlamoona man yateehi AAathabun yukhzeehi waman huwa kathibun wairtaqiboo inne maAAakum raqeebun

French: Hamidullah
O mon peuple, agissez autant que vous voulez. Moi aussi j'agis. Bientôt, vous saurez sur qui tombera un châtiment qui le déshonorera, et qui de nous est l'imposteur. Et attendez (la conséquence de vos actes)! Moi aussi j'attends avec vous».


English: Sahih International
And when Our command came, We saved Shu'ayb and those who believed with him, by mercy from Us. And the shriek seized those who had wronged, and they became within their homes [corpses] fallen prone

English: Transliteration
Walamma jaa amruna najjayna shuAAayban waallatheena amanoo maAAahu birahmatin minna waakhathati allatheena thalamoo alssayhatu faasbahoo fee diyarihim jathimeena

French: Hamidullah
Lorsque vint Notre ordre, Nous sauvâmes, par une miséricorde de Notre part, Chuayb et ceux qui avaient cru avec lui. Et le Cri terrible saisit les injustes, et ils gisèrent dans leurs demeures,


English: Sahih International
As if they had never prospered therein. Then, away with Madyan as Thamud was taken away.

English: Transliteration
Kaan lam yaghnaw feeha ala buAAdan limadyana kama baAAidat thamoodu

French: Hamidullah
comme s'ils n'y avaient jamais prospéré. Que les Madyan s'éloignent comme les Thamûd se sont éloignés.


English: Sahih International
And We did certainly send Moses with Our signs and a clear authority

English: Transliteration
Walaqad arsalna moosa biayatina wasultanin mubeenin

French: Hamidullah
Et Nous avions envoyé Moïse, avec Nos miracles et une autorité incontestable,


English: Sahih International
To Pharaoh and his establishment, but they followed the command of Pharaoh, and the command of Pharaoh was not [at all] discerning.

English: Transliteration
Ila firAAawna wamalaihi faittabaAAoo amra firAAawna wama amru firAAawna birasheedin

French: Hamidullah
à Pharaon et ses notables. Mais ils suivirent l'ordre de Pharaon, bien que l'ordre de Pharaon n'avait rien de sensé.


English: Sahih International
He will precede his people on the Day of Resurrection and lead them into the Fire; and wretched is the place to which they are led.

English: Transliteration
Yaqdumu qawmahu yawma alqiyamati faawradahumu alnnara wabisa alwirdu almawroodu

French: Hamidullah
Il précédera son peuple, au Jour de la Résurrection. Il les mènera à l'aiguade du Feu. Et quelle détestable aiguade!


English: Sahih International
And they were followed in this [world] with a curse and on the Day of Resurrection. And wretched is the gift which is given.

English: Transliteration
WaotbiAAoo fee hathihi laAAnatan wayawma alqiyamati bisa alrrifdu almarfoodu

French: Hamidullah
Et ils sont poursuivis par une malédiction ici-bas et au Jour de la Résurrection. Quel détestable don leur sera donné!


English: Sahih International
That is from the news of the cities, which We relate to you; of them, some are [still] standing and some are [as] a harvest [mowed down].

English: Transliteration
Thalika min anbai alqura naqussuhu AAalayka minha qaimun wahaseedun

French: Hamidullah
Cela fait partie des récits que Nous te [Muhammad] racontons concernant des cités: les unes sont encore debout, tandis que d'autres (sont complètement) rasées.

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