Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 18 - الكهف (Al-Kahf) - The Cave
Number of ayas: 110; Number of rukus: 12
Revelation order: 69; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
But when they reached the junction between them, they forgot their fish, and it took its course into the sea, slipping away.

English: Transliteration
Falamma balagha majmaAAa baynihima nasiya hootahuma faittakhatha sabeelahu fee albahri saraban

French: Hamidullah
Puis, lorsque tous deux eurent atteint le confluent, Ils oublièrent leur poisson qui prit alors librement son chemin dans la mer.


English: Sahih International
So when they had passed beyond it, [Moses] said to his boy, "Bring us our morning meal. We have certainly suffered in this, our journey, [much] fatigue."

English: Transliteration
Falamma jawaza qala lifatahu atina ghadaana laqad laqeena min safarina hatha nasaban

French: Hamidullah
Puis, lorsque tous deux eurent dépassé [cet endroit,] il dit à son valet: «Apporte-nous notre déjeuner: nous avons rencontré de la fatigue dans notre présent voyage».


English: Sahih International
He said, "Did you see when we retired to the rock? Indeed, I forgot [there] the fish. And none made me forget it except Satan - that I should mention it. And it took its course into the sea amazingly".

English: Transliteration
Qala araayta ith awayna ila alssakhrati fainnee naseetu alhoota wama ansaneehu illa alshshaytanu an athkurahu waittakhatha sabeelahu fee albahri AAajaban

French: Hamidullah
[Le valet lui] dit: «Quand nous avons pris refuge près du rocher, vois-tu, j'ai oublié le poisson - le Diable seul m'a fait oublier de (te) le rappeler - et il a curieusement pris son chemin dans la mer».


English: Sahih International
[Moses] said, "That is what we were seeking." So they returned, following their footprints.

English: Transliteration
Qala thalika ma kunna nabghi fairtadda AAala atharihima qasasan

French: Hamidullah
[Moïse] dit: «Voilà ce que nous cherchions». Puis, ils retournèrent sur leurs pas, suivant leurs traces.


English: Sahih International
And they found a servant from among Our servants to whom we had given mercy from us and had taught him from Us a [certain] knowledge.

English: Transliteration
Fawajada AAabdan min AAibadina ataynahu rahmatan min AAindina waAAallamnahu min ladunna AAilman

French: Hamidullah
Ils trouvèrent l'un de Nos serviteurs à qui Nous avions donné une grâce, de Notre part, et à qui Nous avions enseigné une science émanant de Nous.


English: Sahih International
Moses said to him, "May I follow you on [the condition] that you teach me from what you have been taught of sound judgement?"

English: Transliteration
Qala lahu moosa hal attabiAAuka AAala an tuAAallimani mimma AAullimta rushdan

French: Hamidullah
Moïse lui dit: «Puis-je te suivre, à la condition que tu m'apprennes de ce qu'on t'a appris concernant une bonne direction?»


English: Sahih International
He said, "Indeed, with me you will never be able to have patience.

English: Transliteration
Qala innaka lan tastateeAAa maAAiya sabran

French: Hamidullah
[L'autre] dit: «Vraiment, tu ne pourras jamais être patient avec moi.


English: Sahih International
And how can you have patience for what you do not encompass in knowledge?"

English: Transliteration
Wakayfa tasbiru AAala ma lam tuhit bihi khubran

French: Hamidullah
Comment endurerais-tu sur des choses que tu n'embrasses pas par ta connaissance?»


English: Sahih International
[Moses] said, "You will find me, if Allah wills, patient, and I will not disobey you in [any] order."

English: Transliteration
Qala satajidunee in shaa Allahu sabiran wala aAAsee laka amran

French: Hamidullah
[Moïse] lui dit: «Si Allah veut, tu me trouveras patient; et je ne désobéirai à aucun de tes ordres».


English: Sahih International
He said, "Then if you follow me, do not ask me about anything until I make to you about it mention."

English: Transliteration
Qala faini ittabaAAtanee fala tasalnee AAan shayin hatta ohditha laka minhu thikran

French: Hamidullah
«Si tu me suis, dit [l'autre,] ne m'interroge sur rien tant que je ne t'en aurai pas fait mention».

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