Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 2 - البقرة (Al-Baqara) - The Cow
Number of ayas: 286; Number of rukus: 40
Revelation order: 87; Type: Medinan

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English: Sahih International
And they say, "None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian." That is [merely] their wishful thinking, Say, "Produce your proof, if you should be truthful."

English: Transliteration
Waqaloo lan yadkhula aljannata illa man kana hoodan aw nasara tilka amaniyyuhum qul hatoo burhanakum in kuntum sadiqeena

French: Hamidullah
Et ils ont dit: «Nul n'entrera au Paradis que Juifs ou Chrétiens». Voilà leurs chimères. - Dis: «Donnez votre preuve, si vous êtes véridiques».


English: Sahih International
Yes [on the contrary], whoever submits his face in Islam to Allah while being a doer of good will have his reward with his Lord. And no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.

English: Transliteration
Bala man aslama wajhahu lillahi wahuwa muhsinun falahu ajruhu AAinda rabbihi wala khawfun AAalayhim wala hum yahzanoona

French: Hamidullah
Non, mais quiconque soumet à Allah son être tout en faisant le bien, aura sa rétribution auprès de son Seigneur. Pour eux, nulle crainte, et ils ne seront point attristés.


English: Sahih International
The Jews say "The Christians have nothing [true] to stand on," and the Christians say, "The Jews have nothing to stand on," although they [both] recite the Scripture. Thus the polytheists speak the same as their words. But Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that over which they used to differ.

English: Transliteration
Waqalati alyahoodu laysati alnnasara AAala shayin waqalati alnnasara laysati alyahoodu AAala shayin wahum yatloona alkitaba kathalika qala allatheena la yaAAlamoona mithla qawlihim faAllahu yahkumu baynahum yawma alqiyamati feema kanoo feehi yakhtalifoona

French: Hamidullah
Et les Juifs disent: «Les Chrétiens ne tiennent sur rien» et les Chrétiens disent: «Les Juifs ne tiennent sur rien», alors qu'ils lisent le Livre! De même ceux qui ne savent rien tiennent un langage semblable au leur. Eh bien, Allah jugera sur ce quoi ils s'opposent, au Jour de la Résurrection.


English: Sahih International
And who are more unjust than those who prevent the name of Allah from being mentioned in His mosques and strive toward their destruction. It is not for them to enter them except in fear. For them in this world is disgrace, and they will have in the Hereafter a great punishment.

English: Transliteration
Waman athlamu mimman manaAAa masajida Allahi an yuthkara feeha ismuhu wasaAAa fee kharabiha olaika ma kana lahum an yadkhulooha illa khaifeena lahum fee alddunya khizyun walahum fee alakhirati AAathabun AAatheemun

French: Hamidullah
Qui est plus injuste que celui qui empêche que dans les mosquées d'Allah, on mentionne Son Nom, et qui s'efforce à les détruire? De tels gens ne devraient y entrer qu'apeurés. Pour eux, ignominie ici-bas; et dans l'au-delà un énorme châtiment.


English: Sahih International
And to Allah belongs the east and the west. So wherever you [might] turn, there is the Face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.

English: Transliteration
Walillahi almashriqu waalmaghribu faaynama tuwalloo fathamma wajhu Allahi inna Allaha wasiAAun AAaleemun

French: Hamidullah
A Allah seul appartiennent l'Est et l'Ouest. Où que vous vous tourniez, la Face (direction) d'Allah est donc là, car Allah a la grâce immense; Il est Omniscient.


English: Sahih International
They say, "Allah has taken a son." Exalted is He! Rather, to Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. All are devoutly obedient to Him,

English: Transliteration
Waqaloo itakhatha Allahu waladan subhanahu bal lahu ma fee alssamawati waalardi kullun lahu qanitoona

French: Hamidullah
Et ils ont dit: «Allah s'est donné un fils»! Gloire à Lui! Non! mais c'est à Lui qu'appartient ce qui est dans les cieux et la terre et c'est à Lui que tous obéissent.


English: Sahih International
Originator of the heavens and the earth. When He decrees a matter, He only says to it, "Be," and it is.

English: Transliteration
BadeeAAu alssamawati waalardi waitha qada amran fainnama yaqoolu lahu kun fayakoonu

French: Hamidullah
Il est le Créateur des cieux et de la terre à partir du néant. Lorsqu'Il décide une chose, Il dit seulement: «Sois», et elle est aussitôt.


English: Sahih International
Those who do not know say, "Why does Allah not speak to us or there come to us a sign?" Thus spoke those before them like their words. Their hearts resemble each other. We have shown clearly the signs to a people who are certain [in faith].

English: Transliteration
Waqala allatheena la yaAAlamoona lawla yukallimuna Allahu aw tateena ayatun kathalika qala allatheena min qablihim mithla qawlihim tashabahat quloobuhum qad bayyanna alayati liqawmin yooqinoona

French: Hamidullah
Et ceux qui ne savent pas ont dit: «Pourquoi Allah ne nous parle-t-Il pas [directement], ou pourquoi un signe ne nous vient-il pas?» De même, ceux d'avant eux disaient une parole semblable. Leurs cœurs se ressemblent. Nous avons clairement exposé les signes pour des gens qui ont la foi ferme.


English: Sahih International
Indeed, We have sent you, [O Muhammad], with the truth as a bringer of good tidings and a warner, and you will not be asked about the companions of Hellfire.

English: Transliteration
Inna arsalnaka bialhaqqi basheeran wanatheeran wala tusalu Aaan ashabi aljaheemi

French: Hamidullah
Certes, Nous t'avons envoyé avec la vérité, en annonciateur et avertisseur; et on ne te demande pas compte des gens de l'Enfer.


English: Sahih International
And never will the Jews or the Christians approve of you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the guidance of Allah is the [only] guidance." If you were to follow their desires after what has come to you of knowledge, you would have against Allah no protector or helper.

English: Transliteration
Walan tarda AAanka alyahoodu wala alnnasara hatta tattabiAAa millatahum qul inna huda Allahi huwa alhuda walaini ittabaAAta ahwaahum baAAda allathee jaaka mina alAAilmi ma laka mina Allahi min waliyyin wala naseerin

French: Hamidullah
Ni les Juifs, ni les Chrétiens ne seront jamais satisfaits de toi, jusqu'à ce que tu suives leur religion. - Dis: «Certes, c'est la direction d'Allah qui est la vraie direction». Mais si tu suis leurs passions après ce que tu as reçu de science, tu n'auras contre Allah ni protecteur ni secoureur.

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