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Sura 26 - الشعراء (Ash-Shu'araa) - The Poets
Number of ayas: 227; Number of rukus: 11
Revelation order: 47; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
And Hellfire will be brought forth for the deviators,

English: Transliteration
Waburrizati aljaheemu lilghaweena

French: Hamidullah
et l'on exposera aux errants la Fournaise,


English: Sahih International
And it will be said to them, "Where are those you used to worship

English: Transliteration
Waqeela lahum ayna ma kuntum taAAbudoona

French: Hamidullah
et on leur dira: «Où sont ceux que vous adoriez,


English: Sahih International
Other than Allah? Can they help you or help themselves?"

English: Transliteration
Min dooni Allahi hal yansuroonakum aw yantasiroona

French: Hamidullah
en dehors d'Allah? vous secourent-ils? ou se secourent-ils eux-mêmes?»


English: Sahih International
So they will be overturned into Hellfire, they and the deviators

English: Transliteration
Fakubkiboo feeha hum waalghawoona

French: Hamidullah
Ils y seront donc jetés pêle-mêle, et les errants aussi,


English: Sahih International
And the soldiers of Iblees, all together.

English: Transliteration
Wajunoodu ibleesa ajmaAAoona

French: Hamidullah
ainsi que toutes les légions de Iblis.


English: Sahih International
They will say while they dispute therein,

English: Transliteration
Qaloo wahum feeha yakhtasimoona

French: Hamidullah
Ils diront, tout en s'y querellant:


English: Sahih International
"By Allah, we were indeed in manifest error

English: Transliteration
TaAllahi in kunna lafee dalalin mubeenin

French: Hamidullah
«Par Allah! Nous étions certes dans un égarement évident,


English: Sahih International
When we equated you with the Lord of the worlds.

English: Transliteration
Ith nusawweekum birabbi alAAalameena

French: Hamidullah
quand nous faisions de vous les égaux du Seigneur de l'univers.


English: Sahih International
And no one misguided us except the criminals.

English: Transliteration
Wama adallana illa almujrimoona

French: Hamidullah
Ce ne sont que les criminels qui nous ont égarés.


English: Sahih International
So now we have no intercessors

English: Transliteration
Fama lana min shafiAAeena

French: Hamidullah
Et nous n'avons pas d'intercesseurs,

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