Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 34 - سبإ (Saba) - Sheba
Number of ayas: 54; Number of rukus: 6
Revelation order: 58; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
And those who disbelieve say, "We will never believe in this Qur'an nor in that before it." But if you could see when the wrongdoers are made to stand before their Lord, refuting each other's words... Those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, "If not for you, we would have been believers."

English: Transliteration
Waqala allatheena kafaroo lan numina bihatha alqurani wala biallathee bayna yadayhi walaw tara ithi alththalimoona mawqoofoona AAinda rabbihim yarjiAAu baAAduhum ila baAAdin alqawla yaqoolu allatheena istudAAifoo lillatheena istakbaroo lawla antum lakunna mumineena

French: Hamidullah
Et ceux qui avaient mécru dirent: «Jamais nous ne croirons à ce Coran ni à ce qui l'a précédé». Et si tu pouvais voir quand les injustes seront debout devant leur Seigneur, se renvoyant la parole les uns aux autres! Ceux que l'on considérait comme faibles diront à ceux qui s'enorgueillissaient: «Sans vous, nous aurions certes été croyants».


English: Sahih International
Those who were arrogant will say to those who were oppressed, "Did we avert you from guidance after it had come to you? Rather, you were criminals."

English: Transliteration
Qala allatheena istakbaroo lillatheena istudAAifoo anahnu sadadnakum AAani alhuda baAAda ith jaakum bal kuntum mujrimeena

French: Hamidullah
Ceux qui s'enorgueillissaient diront à ceux qu'ils considéraient comme faibles: «Est-ce nous qui vous avons repoussés de la bonne direction après qu'elle vous fut venue? Mais vous étiez plutôt des criminels».


English: Sahih International
Those who were oppressed will say to those who were arrogant, "Rather, [it was your] conspiracy of night and day when you were ordering us to disbelieve in Allah and attribute to Him equals." But they will [all] confide regret when they see the punishment; and We will put shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved. Will they be recompensed except for what they used to do?

English: Transliteration
Waqala allatheena istudAAifoo lillatheena istakbaroo bal makru allayli waalnnahari ith tamuroonana an nakfura biAllahi wanajAAala lahu andadan waasarroo alnnadamata lamma raawoo alAAathaba wajaAAalna alaghlala fee aAAnaqi allatheena kafaroo hal yujzawna illa ma kanoo yaAAmaloona

French: Hamidullah
Et ceux que l'on considérait comme faibles diront à ceux qui s'enorgueillissaient: «C'était votre stratagème, plutôt, nuit et jour, de nous commander de ne pas croire en Allah et de Lui donner des égaux». Et ils cacheront leur regret quand ils verront le châtiment. Nous placerons des carcans aux cous de ceux qui ont mécru: les rétribuerait-on autrement que selon ce qu'ils œuvraient?»


English: Sahih International
And We did not send into a city any warner except that its affluent said, "Indeed we, in that with which you were sent, are disbelievers."

English: Transliteration
Wama arsalna fee qaryatin min natheerin illa qala mutrafooha inna bima orsiltum bihi kafiroona

French: Hamidullah
Et Nous n'avons envoyé aucun avertisseur dans une cité sans que ses gens aisés n'aient dit: «Nous ne croyons pas au message avec lequel vous êtes envoyés».


English: Sahih International
And they said, "We are more [than the believers] in wealth and children, and we are not to be punished."

English: Transliteration
Waqaloo nahnu aktharu amwalan waawladan wama nahnu bimuAAaththabeena

French: Hamidullah
Et ils dirent: «Nous avons davantage de richesses et d'enfants et nous ne serons pas châtiés».


English: Sahih International
Say, "Indeed, my Lord extends provision for whom He wills and restricts [it], but most of the people do not know."

English: Transliteration
Qul inna rabbee yabsutu alrrizqa liman yashao wayaqdiru walakinna akthara alnnasi la yaAAlamoona

French: Hamidullah
Dis: «Mon Seigneur dispense avec largesse ou restreint Ses dons à qui Il veut. Mais la plupart des gens ne savent pas».


English: Sahih International
And it is not your wealth or your children that bring you nearer to Us in position, but it is [by being] one who has believed and done righteousness. For them there will be the double reward for what they did, and they will be in the upper chambers [of Paradise], safe [and secure].

English: Transliteration
Wama amwalukum wala awladukum biallatee tuqarribukum AAindana zulfa illa man amana waAAamila salihan faolaika lahum jazao alddiAAfi bima AAamiloo wahum fee alghurufati aminoona

French: Hamidullah
Ni vos biens ni vos enfants ne vous rapprocheront à proximité de Nous. Sauf celui qui croit et œuvre dans le bien. Ceux-là auront une double récompense pour ce qu'ils œuvraient, tandis qu'ils seront en sécurité, aux étages supérieurs (du Paradis).


English: Sahih International
And the ones who strive against Our verses to cause [them] failure - those will be brought into the punishment [to remain].

English: Transliteration
Waallatheena yasAAawna fee ayatina muAAajizeena olaika fee alAAathabi muhdaroona

French: Hamidullah
Et quant à ceux qui s'efforcent à rendre Nos versets inefficients, ceux-là seront forcés de se présenter au châtiment.


English: Sahih International
Say, "Indeed, my Lord extends provision for whom He wills of His servants and restricts [it] for him. But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] - He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers."

English: Transliteration
Qul inna rabbee yabsutu alrrizqa liman yashao min AAibadihi wayaqdiru lahu wama anfaqtum min shayin fahuwa yukhlifuhu wahuwa khayru alrraziqeena

French: Hamidullah
Dis: «Mon Seigneur dispense avec largesse ou restreint Ses dons à qui Il veut parmi ses serviteurs. Et toute dépense que vous faites [dans le bien], Il la remplace, et c'est Lui le Meilleur des donateurs».


English: Sahih International
And [mention] the Day when He will gather them all and then say to the angels, "Did these [people] used to worship you?"

English: Transliteration
Wayawma yahshuruhum jameeAAan thumma yaqoolu lilmalaikati ahaolai iyyakum kanoo yaAAbudoona

French: Hamidullah
Et un jour Il les rassemblera tous. Puis Il dira aux Anges: «Est-ce vous que ces gens-là adoraient?»

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