Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 36 - يس (Yaseen) - Yaseen
Number of ayas: 83; Number of rukus: 5
Revelation order: 41; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
And that you worship [only] Me? This is a straight path.

English: Transliteration
Waani oAAbudoonee hatha siratun mustaqeemun

French: Hamidullah
et [ne vous ai-Je pas engagés] à M'adorer? Voilà un chemin bien droit.


English: Sahih International
And he had already led astray from among you much of creation, so did you not use reason?

English: Transliteration
Walaqad adalla minkum jibillan katheeran afalam takoonoo taAAqiloona

French: Hamidullah
Et il a très certainement égaré un grand nombre d'entre vous. Ne raisonniez-vous donc pas?


English: Sahih International
This is the Hellfire which you were promised.

English: Transliteration
Hathihi jahannamu allatee kuntum tooAAadoona

French: Hamidullah
Voici l'Enfer qu'on vous promettait.


English: Sahih International
[Enter to] burn therein today for what you used to deny."

English: Transliteration
Islawha alyawma bima kuntum takfuroona

French: Hamidullah
Brûlez-y aujourd'hui, pour avoir mécru».


English: Sahih International
That Day, We will seal over their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn.

English: Transliteration
Alyawma nakhtimu AAala afwahihim watukallimuna aydeehim watashhadu arjuluhum bima kanoo yaksiboona

French: Hamidullah
Ce jour-là, Nous scellerons leurs bouches, tandis que leurs mains Nous parleront et que leurs jambes témoigneront de ce qu'ils avaient accompli.


English: Sahih International
And if We willed, We could have obliterated their eyes, and they would race to [find] the path, and how could they see?

English: Transliteration
Walaw nashao latamasna AAala aAAyunihim faistabaqoo alssirata faanna yubsiroona

French: Hamidullah
Et si Nous voulions, Nous effacerions leurs yeux et ils courront vers le chemin. Mais comment alors pourront-ils voir?


English: Sahih International
And if We willed, We could have deformed them, [paralyzing them] in their places so they would not be able to proceed, nor could they return.

English: Transliteration
Walaw nashao lamasakhnahum AAala makanatihim fama istataAAoo mudiyyan wala yarjiAAoona

French: Hamidullah
Et si Nous voulions, Nous les métamorphoserions sur place; alors ils ne sauront ni avancer ni revenir.


English: Sahih International
And he to whom We grant long life We reverse in creation; so will they not understand?

English: Transliteration
Waman nuAAammirhu nunakkishu fee alkhalqi afala yaAAqiloona

French: Hamidullah
A quiconque Nous accordons une longue vie, Nous faisons baisser sa forme. Ne comprendront-ils donc pas?


English: Sahih International
And We did not give Prophet Muhammad, knowledge of poetry, nor is it befitting for him. It is not but a message and a clear Qur'an

English: Transliteration
Wama AAallamnahu alshshiAAra wama yanbaghee lahu in huwa illa thikrun waquranun mubeenun

French: Hamidullah
Nous ne lui (à Muhammad) avons pas enseigné la poésie; cela ne lui convient pas non plus. Ceci n'est qu'un rappel et une Lecture [Coran] claire,


English: Sahih International
To warn whoever is alive and justify the word against the disbelievers.

English: Transliteration
Liyunthira man kana hayyan wayahiqqa alqawlu AAala alkafireena

French: Hamidullah
pour qu'il avertisse celui qui est vivant et que la Parole se réalise contre les mécréants.

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