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Sura 37 - الصافات (As-Saaffaat) - Those drawn up in Ranks
Number of ayas: 182; Number of rukus: 5
Revelation order: 56; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
So We gave him good tidings of a forbearing boy.

English: Transliteration
Fabashsharnahu bighulamin haleemin

French: Hamidullah
Nous lui fîmes donc la bonne annonce d'un garçon (Ismaël) longanime.


English: Sahih International
And when he reached with him [the age of] exertion, he said, "O my son, indeed I have seen in a dream that I [must] sacrifice you, so see what you think." He said, "O my father, do as you are commanded. You will find me, if Allah wills, of the steadfast."

English: Transliteration
Falamma balagha maAAahu alssaAAya qala ya bunayya innee ara fee almanami annee athbahuka faonthur matha tara qala ya abati ifAAal ma tumaru satajidunee in shaa Allahu mina alssabireena

French: Hamidullah
Puis quand celui-ci fut en âge de l'accompagner, [Abraham] dit: «O mon fils, je me vois en songe en train de t'immoler. Vois donc ce que tu en penses». (Ismaël) dit: «O mon cher père, fais ce qui t'es commandé: tu me trouveras, s'il plaît à Allah, du nombre des endurants».


English: Sahih International
And when they had both submitted and he put him down upon his forehead,

English: Transliteration
Falamma aslama watallahu liljabeeni

French: Hamidullah
Puis quand tous deux se furent soumis (à l'ordre d'Allah) et qu'il l'eut jeté sur le front,


English: Sahih International
We called to him, "O Abraham,

English: Transliteration
Wanadaynahu an ya ibraheemu

French: Hamidullah
voilà que Nous l'appelâmes «Abraham!


English: Sahih International
You have fulfilled the vision." Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.

English: Transliteration
Qad saddaqta alrruya inna kathalika najzee almuhsineena

French: Hamidullah
Tu as confirmé la vision. C'est ainsi que Nous récompensons les bienfaisants».


English: Sahih International
Indeed, this was the clear trial.

English: Transliteration
Inna hatha lahuwa albalao almubeenu

French: Hamidullah
C'était là certes, l'épreuve manifeste.


English: Sahih International
And We ransomed him with a great sacrifice,

English: Transliteration
Wafadaynahu bithibhin AAatheemin

French: Hamidullah
Et Nous le rançonnâmes d'une immolation généreuse.


English: Sahih International
And We left for him [favorable mention] among later generations:

English: Transliteration
Watarakna AAalayhi fee alakhireena

French: Hamidullah
Et Nous perpétuâmes son renom dans la postérité:


English: Sahih International
"Peace upon Abraham."

English: Transliteration
Salamun AAala ibraheema

French: Hamidullah
«Paix sur Abraham».


English: Sahih International
Indeed, We thus reward the doers of good.

English: Transliteration
Kathalika najzee almuhsineena

French: Hamidullah
Ainsi récompensons-Nous les bienfaisants;

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