Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 45 - الجاثية (Al-Jaathiya) - Crouching
Number of ayas: 37; Number of rukus: 4
Revelation order: 65; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
Or do those who commit evils think We will make them like those who have believed and done righteous deeds - [make them] equal in their life and their death? Evil is that which they judge.

English: Transliteration
Am hasiba allatheena ijtarahoo alssayyiati an najAAalahum kaallatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati sawaan mahyahum wamamatuhum saa ma yahkumoona

French: Hamidullah
Ceux qui commettent des mauvaises actions comptent-ils que Nous allons les traiter comme ceux qui croient et accomplissent les bonnes œuvres, dans leur vie et dans leur mort? Comme ils jugent mal!


English: Sahih International
And Allah created the heavens and earth in truth and so that every soul may be recompensed for what it has earned, and they will not be wronged.

English: Transliteration
Wakhalaqa Allahu alssamawati waalarda bialhaqqi walitujza kullu nafsin bima kasabat wahum la yuthlamoona

French: Hamidullah
Et Allah a créé les cieux et la terre en toute vérité et afin que chaque âme soit rétribuée selon ce qu'elle a acquis. Ils ne seront cependant pas lésés.


English: Sahih International
Have you seen he who has taken as his god his [own] desire, and Allah has sent him astray due to knowledge and has set a seal upon his hearing and his heart and put over his vision a veil? So who will guide him after Allah? Then will you not be reminded?

English: Transliteration
Afaraayta mani ittakhatha ilahahu hawahu waadallahu Allahu AAala AAilmin wakhatama AAala samAAihi waqalbihi wajaAAala AAala basarihi ghishawatan faman yahdeehi min baAAdi Allahi afala tathakkaroona

French: Hamidullah
Vois-tu celui qui prend sa passion pour sa propre divinité? Et Allah l'égare sciemment et scelle son ouïe et son cœur et étend un voile sur sa vue. Qui donc peut le guider après Allah? Ne vous rappelez-vous donc pas?


English: Sahih International
And they say, "There is not but our worldly life; we die and live, and nothing destroys us except time." And they have of that no knowledge; they are only assuming.

English: Transliteration
Waqaloo ma hiya illa hayatuna alddunya namootu wanahya wama yuhlikuna illa alddahru wama lahum bithalika min AAilmin in hum illa yathunnoona

French: Hamidullah
Et ils dirent: «Il n'y a pour nous que la vie d'ici-bas: nous mourons et nous vivons et seul le temps nous fait périr». Ils n'ont de cela aucune connaissance: ils ne font qu'émettre des conjectures.


English: Sahih International
And when Our verses are recited to them as clear evidences, their argument is only that they say, "Bring [back] our forefathers, if you should be truthful."

English: Transliteration
Waitha tutla AAalayhim ayatuna bayyinatin ma kana hujjatahum illa an qaloo itoo biabaina in kuntum sadiqeena

French: Hamidullah
Et quand on leur récite Nos versets bien clairs, leur seul argument est de dire: «Faites revenir nos ancêtres si vous êtes véridiques».


English: Sahih International
Say, "Allah causes you to live, then causes you to die; then He will assemble you for the Day of Resurrection, about which there is no doubt, but most of the people do not know."

English: Transliteration
Quli Allahu yuhyeekum thumma yumeetukum thumma yajmaAAukum ila yawmi alqiyamati la rayba feehi walakinna akthara alnnasi la yaAAlamoona

French: Hamidullah
Dis: «Allah vous donne la vie puis Il vous donne la mort. Ensuite Il vous réunira le Jour de la Résurrection, il n'y a pas de doute à ce sujet, mais la plupart des gens ne savent pas.


English: Sahih International
And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. And the Day the Hour appears - that Day the falsifiers will lose.

English: Transliteration
Walillahi mulku alssamawati waalardi wayawma taqoomu alssaAAatu yawmaithin yakhsaru almubtiloona

French: Hamidullah
A Allah appartient le royaume des cieux et de la terre. Et le jour où l'Heure arrivera, ce jour-là, les imposteurs seront perdus.


English: Sahih International
And you will see every nation kneeling [from fear]. Every nation will be called to its record [and told], "Today you will be recompensed for what you used to do.

English: Transliteration
Watara kulla ommatin jathiyatan kullu ommatin tudAAa ila kitabiha alyawma tujzawna ma kuntum taAAmaloona

French: Hamidullah
Et tu verras chaque communauté agenouillée. Chaque communauté sera appelée vers son livre. On vous rétribuera aujourd'hui selon ce que vous œuvriez.


English: Sahih International
This, Our record, speaks about you in truth. Indeed, We were having transcribed whatever you used to do."

English: Transliteration
Hatha kitabuna yantiqu AAalaykum bialhaqqi inna kunna nastansikhu ma kuntum taAAmaloona

French: Hamidullah
Voilà Notre Livre. Il parle de vous en toute vérité car Nous enregistrions [tout] ce que vous faisiez».


English: Sahih International
So as for those who believed and did righteous deeds, their Lord will admit them into His mercy. That is what is the clear attainment.

English: Transliteration
Faamma allatheena amanoo waAAamiloo alssalihati fayudkhiluhum rabbuhum fee rahmatihi thalika huwa alfawzu almubeenu

French: Hamidullah
Ceux qui ont cru et fait de bonnes œuvres, leur Seigneur les fera entrer dans Sa miséricorde. Voilà le succès évident.

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