Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 54 - القمر (Al-Qamar) - The Moon
Number of ayas: 55; Number of rukus: 3
Revelation order: 37; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
And how [severe] were My punishment and warning.

English: Transliteration
Fakayfa kana AAathabee wanuthuri

French: Hamidullah
Comment furent Mon châtiment et Mes avertissements?


English: Sahih International
And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?

English: Transliteration
Walaqad yassarna alqurana lilththikri fahal min muddakirin

French: Hamidullah
En effet, Nous avons rendu le Coran facile pour la méditation. Y a-t-il quelqu'un pour réfléchir?


English: Sahih International
Thamud denied the warning

English: Transliteration
Kaththabat thamoodu bialnnuthuri

French: Hamidullah
Les Thamûd ont traité de mensonges les avertissements.


English: Sahih International
And said, "Is it one human being among us that we should follow? Indeed, we would then be in error and madness.

English: Transliteration
Faqaloo abasharan minna wahidan nattabiAAuhu inna ithan lafee dalalin wasuAAurin

French: Hamidullah
Ils dirent: «Allons-nous suivre un seul homme (Sâlih) d'entre nous-mêmes? Nous serions alors dans l'égarement et la folie.


English: Sahih International
Has the message been sent down upon him from among us? Rather, he is an insolent liar."

English: Transliteration
Aolqiya alththikru AAalayhi min baynina bal huwa kaththabun ashirun

French: Hamidullah
Est-ce que le message a été envoyé à Lui à l'exception de nous tous? C'est plutôt un grand menteur, plein de prétention et d'orgueil».


English: Sahih International
They will know tomorrow who is the insolent liar.

English: Transliteration
SayaAAlamoona ghadan mani alkaththabu alashiru

French: Hamidullah
Demain, ils sauront qui est le grand menteur plein de prétention et d'orgueil.


English: Sahih International
Indeed, We are sending the she-camel as trial for them, so watch them and be patient.

English: Transliteration
Inna mursiloo alnnaqati fitnatan lahum fairtaqibhum waistabir

French: Hamidullah
Nous leur enverrons la chamelle, comme épreuve. Surveille-les donc et sois patient.


English: Sahih International
And inform them that the water is shared between them, each [day of] drink attended [by turn].

English: Transliteration
Wanabbihum anna almaa qismatun baynahum kullu shirbin muhtadarun

French: Hamidullah
Et informe-les que l'eau sera en partage entre eux [et la chamelle]; chacun boira à son tour.


English: Sahih International
But they called their companion, and he dared and hamstrung [her].

English: Transliteration
Fanadaw sahibahum fataAAata faAAaqara

French: Hamidullah
Puis ils appelèrent leur camarade qui prit [son épée] et [la] tua.


English: Sahih International
And how [severe] were My punishment and warning.

English: Transliteration
Fakayfa kana AAathabee wanuthuri

French: Hamidullah
Comment furent donc Mon châtiment et Mes avertissements?

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