Sura 56 - الواقعة (Al-Waaqia) - The Inevitable
Number of ayas: 96; Number of rukus: 3
Revelation order: 46; Type: Meccan
وَلَحْمِ طَيْرٍ مِّمَّا يَشْتَهُونَ
English: Sahih International
And the meat of fowl, from whatever they desire.
English: Transliteration
Walahmi tayrin mimma yashtahoona
French: Hamidullah
et toute chair d'oiseau qu'ils désireront.
وَحُورٌ عِينٌ
English: Sahih International
And [for them are] fair women with large, [beautiful] eyes,
English: Transliteration
Wahoorun AAeenun
French: Hamidullah
Et ils auront des houris aux yeux, grands et beaux,
كَأَمْثَٰلِ ٱللُّؤْلُؤِ ٱلْمَكْنُونِ
English: Sahih International
The likenesses of pearls well-protected,
English: Transliteration
Kaamthali allului almaknooni
French: Hamidullah
pareilles à des perles en coquille
جَزَآءًۢ بِمَا كَانُوا۟ يَعْمَلُونَ
English: Sahih International
As reward for what they used to do.
English: Transliteration
Jazaan bima kanoo yaAAmaloona
French: Hamidullah
en récompense pour ce qu'ils faisaient.
لَا يَسْمَعُونَ فِيهَا لَغْوًا وَلَا تَأْثِيمًا
English: Sahih International
They will not hear therein ill speech or commission of sin -
English: Transliteration
La yasmaAAoona feeha laghwan wala tatheeman
French: Hamidullah
Ils n'y entendront ni futilité ni blasphème;
إِلَّا قِيلًا سَلَٰمًا سَلَٰمًا
English: Sahih International
Only a saying: "Peace, peace."
English: Transliteration
Illa qeelan salaman salaman
French: Hamidullah
mais seulement les propos: «Salâm! Salâm!»... [Paix! Paix!]
وَأَصْحَٰبُ ٱلْيَمِينِ مَآ أَصْحَٰبُ ٱلْيَمِينِ
English: Sahih International
The companions of the right - what are the companions of the right?
English: Transliteration
Waashabu alyameeni ma ashabu alyameeni
French: Hamidullah
Et les gens de la droite; que sont les gens de la droite?
فِى سِدْرٍ مَّخْضُودٍ
English: Sahih International
[They will be] among lote trees with thorns removed
English: Transliteration
Fee sidrin makhdoodin
French: Hamidullah
[Ils seront parmi] des jujubiers sans épines,
وَطَلْحٍ مَّنضُودٍ
English: Sahih International
And [banana] trees layered [with fruit]
English: Transliteration
Watalhin mandoodin
French: Hamidullah
et parmi des bananiers aux régimes bien fournis,
وَظِلٍّ مَّمْدُودٍ
English: Sahih International
And shade extended
English: Transliteration
Wathillin mamdoodin
French: Hamidullah
dans une ombre étendue
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