Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 72 - الجن (Al-Jinn) - The Jinn
Number of ayas: 28; Number of rukus: 2
Revelation order: 40; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
Say, "Indeed, I do not possess for you [the power of] harm or right direction."

English: Transliteration
Qul innee la amliku lakum darran wala rashadan

French: Hamidullah
Dis: «Je ne possède aucun moyen pour vous faire du mal, ni pour vous mettre sur le chemin droit».


English: Sahih International
Say, "Indeed, there will never protect me from Allah anyone [if I should disobey], nor will I find in other than Him a refuge.

English: Transliteration
Qul innee lan yujeeranee mina Allahi ahadun walan ajida min doonihi multahadan

French: Hamidullah
Dis: «Vraiment, personne ne saura me protéger contre Allah; et jamais je ne trouverai de refuge en dehors de Lui.


English: Sahih International
But [I have for you] only notification from Allah, and His messages." And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger - then indeed, for him is the fire of Hell; they will abide therein forever.

English: Transliteration
Illa balaghan mina Allahi warisalatihi waman yaAAsi Allaha warasoolahu fainna lahu nara jahannama khalideena feeha abadan

French: Hamidullah
[Je ne puis que transmettre] une communication et des messages [émanant] d'Allah. Et quiconque désobéit à Allah et à Son Messager aura le feu de l'Enfer pour y demeurer éternellement.


English: Sahih International
[The disbelievers continue] until, when they see that which they are promised, then they will know who is weaker in helpers and less in number.

English: Transliteration
Hatta itha raaw ma yooAAadoona fasayaAAlamoona man adAAafu nasiran waaqallu AAadadan

French: Hamidullah
Puis, quand ils verront ce dont on les menaçait, ils sauront lesquels ont les secours les plus faibles et [lesquels] sont les moins nombreux.


English: Sahih International
Say, "I do not know if what you are promised is near or if my Lord will grant for it a [long] period."

English: Transliteration
Qul in adree aqareebun ma tooAAadoona am yajAAalu lahu rabbee amadan

French: Hamidullah
Dis: «Je ne sais pas si ce dont vous êtes menacés est proche, ou bien, si mon Seigneur va lui assigner un délai.


English: Sahih International
[He is] Knower of the unseen, and He does not disclose His [knowledge of the] unseen to anyone

English: Transliteration
AAalimu alghaybi fala yuthhiru AAala ghaybihi ahadan

French: Hamidullah
[C'est Lui] qui connaît le mystère. Il ne dévoile Son mystère à personne,


English: Sahih International
Except whom He has approved of messengers, and indeed, He sends before each messenger and behind him observers

English: Transliteration
Illa mani irtada min rasoolin fainnahu yasluku min bayni yadayhi wamin khalfihi rasadan

French: Hamidullah
sauf à celui qu'Il agrée comme Messager et qu'Il fait précéder et suivre de gardiens vigilants,


English: Sahih International
That he may know that they have conveyed the messages of their Lord; and He has encompassed whatever is with them and has enumerated all things in number.

English: Transliteration
LiyaAAlama an qad ablaghoo risalati rabbihim waahata bima ladayhim waahsa kulla shayin AAadadan

French: Hamidullah
afin qu'Il sache s'ils ont bien transmis les messages de leur Seigneur. Il cerne (de Son savoir) ce qui est avec eux, et dénombre exactement toute chose.

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