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Sura 75 - القيامة (Al-Qiyaama) - The Resurrection
Number of ayas: 40; Number of rukus: 2
Revelation order: 31; Type: Meccan

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English: Sahih International
I swear by the Day of Resurrection

English: Transliteration
La oqsimu biyawmi alqiyamati

French: Hamidullah
Non!... Je jure par le Jour de la Résurrection!


English: Sahih International
And I swear by the reproaching soul [to the certainty of resurrection].

English: Transliteration
Wala oqsimu bialnnafsi allawwamati

French: Hamidullah
Mais non!, Je jure par l'âme qui ne cesse de se blâmer.


English: Sahih International
Does man think that We will not assemble his bones?

English: Transliteration
Ayahsabu alinsanu allan najmaAAa AAithamahu

French: Hamidullah
L'homme, pense-t-il que Nous ne réunirons jamais ses os?


English: Sahih International
Yes. [We are] Able [even] to proportion his fingertips.

English: Transliteration
Bala qadireena AAala an nusawwiya bananahu

French: Hamidullah
Mais si! Nous sommes Capable de remettre à leur place les extrémités de ses doigts.


English: Sahih International
But man desires to continue in sin.

English: Transliteration
Bal yureedu alinsanu liyafjura amamahu

French: Hamidullah
L'homme voudrait plutôt continuer à vivre en libertin.


English: Sahih International
He asks, "When is the Day of Resurrection?"

English: Transliteration
Yasalu ayyana yawmu alqiyamati

French: Hamidullah
Il interroge: «A quand, le Jour de la Résurrection?»


English: Sahih International
So when vision is dazzled

English: Transliteration
Faitha bariqa albasaru

French: Hamidullah
Lorsque la vue sera éblouie,


English: Sahih International
And the moon darkens

English: Transliteration
Wakhasafa alqamaru

French: Hamidullah
et que la lune s'éclipsera,


English: Sahih International
And the sun and the moon are joined,

English: Transliteration
WajumiAAa alshshamsu waalqamaru

French: Hamidullah
et que le soleil et la lune seront réunis,


English: Sahih International
Man will say on that Day, "Where is the [place of] escape?"

English: Transliteration
Yaqoolu alinsanu yawmaithin ayna almafarru

French: Hamidullah
l'homme, ce jour-là, dira: «Où fuir?»

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