Bayt Al-Hikma

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Sura 9 - التوبة (At-Tawba) - The Repentance
Number of ayas: 129; Number of rukus: 16
Revelation order: 113; Type: Medinan

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English: Sahih International
Go forth, whether light or heavy, and strive with your wealth and your lives in the cause of Allah. That is better for you, if you only knew.

English: Transliteration
Infiroo khifafan wathiqalan wajahidoo biamwalikum waanfusikum fee sabeeli Allahi thalikum khayrun lakum in kuntum taAAlamoona

French: Hamidullah
Légers ou lourds, lancez-vous au combat, et luttez avec vos biens et vos personnes dans le sentier d'Allah. Cela est meilleur pour vous, si vous saviez.


English: Sahih International
Had it been an easy gain and a moderate trip, the hypocrites would have followed you, but distant to them was the journey. And they will swear by Allah, "If we were able, we would have gone forth with you," destroying themselves [through false oaths], and Allah knows that indeed they are liars.

English: Transliteration
Law kana AAaradan qareeban wasafaran qasidan laittabaAAooka walakin baAAudat AAalayhimu alshshuqqatu wasayahlifoona biAllahi lawi istataAAna lakharajna maAAakum yuhlikoona anfusahum waAllahu yaAAlamu innahum lakathiboona

French: Hamidullah
S'il s'était agi d'un profit facile ou d'un court voyage, ils t'auraient suivi; mais la distance leur parut longue. Et ils jureront par Allah: «Si nous avions pu, nous serions sortis en votre compagnie.» Ils se perdent eux-mêmes. Et Allah sait bien qu'ils mentent.


English: Sahih International
May Allah pardon you, [O Muhammad]; why did you give them permission [to remain behind]? [You should not have] until it was evident to you who were truthful and you knew [who were] the liars.

English: Transliteration
AAafa Allahu AAanka lima athinta lahum hatta yatabayyana laka allatheena sadaqoo wataAAlama alkathibeena

French: Hamidullah
Qu'Allah te pardonne! Pourquoi leur as-tu donné permission avant que tu ne puisses distinguer ceux qui disaient vrai et reconnaître les menteurs?


English: Sahih International
Those who believe in Allah and the Last Day would not ask permission of you to be excused from striving with their wealth and their lives. And Allah is Knowing of those who fear Him.

English: Transliteration
La yastathinuka allatheena yuminoona biAllahi waalyawmi alakhiri an yujahidoo biamwalihim waanfusihim waAllahu AAaleemun bialmuttaqeena

French: Hamidullah
Ceux qui croient en Allah et au Jour dernier ne te demandent pas permission quand il s'agit de mener combat avec leurs biens et leurs personnes. Et Allah connaît bien les pieux.


English: Sahih International
Only those would ask permission of you who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day and whose hearts have doubted, and they, in their doubt, are hesitating.

English: Transliteration
Innama yastathinuka allatheena la yuminoona biAllahi waalyawmi alakhiri wairtabat quloobuhum fahum fee raybihim yataraddadoona

French: Hamidullah
Ne te demandent permission que ceux qui ne croient pas en Allah et au Jour dernier, et dont les cœurs sont emplis de doute. Ils ne font qu'hésiter dans leur incertitude.


English: Sahih International
And if they had intended to go forth, they would have prepared for it [some] preparation. But Allah disliked their being sent, so He kept them back, and they were told, "Remain [behind] with those who remain."

English: Transliteration
Walaw aradoo alkhurooja laaAAaddoo lahu AAuddatan walakin kariha Allahu inbiAAathahum fathabbatahum waqeela oqAAudoo maAAa alqaAAideena

French: Hamidullah
Et s'ils avaient voulu partir (au combat), ils lui auraient fait des préparatifs. Mais leur départ répugna à Allah; Il les a rendus paresseux. Et il leur fut dit: «Restez avec ceux qui restent».


English: Sahih International
Had they gone forth with you, they would not have increased you except in confusion, and they would have been active among you, seeking [to cause] you fitnah. And among you are avid listeners to them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers.

English: Transliteration
Law kharajoo feekum ma zadookum illa khabalan walaawdaAAoo khilalakum yabghoonakumu alfitnata wafeekum sammaAAoona lahum waAllahu AAaleemun bialththalimeena

French: Hamidullah
S'ils étaient sortis avec vous, ils n'auraient fait qu'accroître votre trouble et jeter la dissension dans vos rangs, cherchant à créer la discorde entre vous. Et il y en a parmi vous qui les écoutent. Et Allah connaît bien les injustes.


English: Sahih International
They had already desired dissension before and had upset matters for you until the truth came and the ordinance of Allah appeared, while they were averse.

English: Transliteration
Laqadi ibtaghawoo alfitnata min qablu waqallaboo laka alomoora hatta jaa alhaqqu wathahara amru Allahi wahum karihoona

French: Hamidullah
Ils ont, auparavant, cherché à semer la discorde (dans vos rangs) et à embrouiller tes affaires jusqu'à ce que vînt la vérité et triomphât le commandement d'Allah, en dépit de leur hostilité.


English: Sahih International
And among them is he who says, "Permit me [to remain at home] and do not put me to trial." Unquestionably, into trial they have fallen. And indeed, Hell will encompass the disbelievers.

English: Transliteration
Waminhum man yaqoolu ithan lee wala taftinnee ala fee alfitnati saqatoo wainna jahannama lamuheetatun bialkafireena

French: Hamidullah
Parmi eux il en est qui dit: «Donne-moi la permission (de rester) et ne me mets pas en tentation.» Or, c'est bien dans la tentation qu'ils sont tombés; l'Enfer est tout autour des mécréants.


English: Sahih International
If good befalls you, it distresses them; but if disaster strikes you, they say, "We took our matter [in hand] before," and turn away while they are rejoicing.

English: Transliteration
In tusibka hasanatun tasuhum wain tusibka museebatun yaqooloo qad akhathna amrana min qablu wayatawallaw wahum farihoona

French: Hamidullah
Qu'un bonheur t'atteigne, ça les afflige. Et que t'atteigne un malheur, ils disent: «Heureusement que nous avions pris d'avance nos précautions.» Et ils se détournent tout en exultant.

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